Saturday, November 26, 2011


You are probably reading my site because we have the same interest- the Accountancy profession. I have come on an idea of making a blog on which i can share my thoughts and ideas regarding our profession. This is dedicated to my colleague, aspiring CPAs and to those individuals interested in the same field.This site contains information regarding the current trends in standards, issues, exams, reactions, knowledge about accounting and other posts related to the field. You can also share knowledge on this site if you want, just leave a message on the chatbox. You can also post comments on the article for me to respond as soon as i can.
 All materials in this site are properties of the Contributor, gathered from other websites, donated by other CPAs, faculty members and intended for sharing purpose only. If this site is violating any copyright please contact the Moderator. The materials will be removed or give credits to the designating party subject to approval.


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