Monday, December 5, 2011

CAT® Level 3 Program

Expand your career potential with a globally recognized certification
Become a Certified Accounting Technician®
to be part of a network of over 100,000 credentialed peers worldwide
Join the CAT® Level 3 (Payroll & Taxation) Program
March 10 - 31, 2012(8:30 am - 12:30 pm) / Oakwood Premier Joy~Nostalg Center
Certified Accounting Technician (CAT®) Program
The CAT® Program is a globally recognized program of the National Institute of Accounting Technicians (NIAT) that grants the CAT® designation to the successful professional here and abroad.
The CAT® Program focuses on developing a strong base of technical accounting knowledge and skills; analytical, organizational and inter-personal skills; and professional values essential for today’s successful accounting professionals.
The CAT® Program is designed to be an intensive accounting program that will equip the participant all the necessary skills for real life accounting work. The CAT® Program is recognized to be equivalent to the CAT® designations of different institutes around the world, giving NIAT's CAT®s access to membership resources, and recognition in countries such as Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia, India, and the Middle East.
The Benefits of CAT® to You
  • Offer your employer proven specific skills and knowledge.
  • Advance your career and increase your compensation potential.
  • Put CAT® after your name, giving you the same distinction among bookkeepers that "CPA" gives to Certified Public Accountants.
  • Enhance your value to your company and clients.
  • Increase your value to your company or clients — Certified Accounting Technicians can and do take on new responsibilities.
  • Increase your chances of working overseas where CAT® is recognized such as Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and other Asia-Pacific countries.
CAT® Level 3 Program Syllabus - Payroll and Taxation Accounting
The CAT® Level 3 Program is designed to nurture the learning process and provide you with well presented and structured course. The qualification itself has been split into three modules for ease of learning. Each module contains set of drills and real-life cases for you to assess how well you are progressing.
Passers of CAT® Level 3 are eligible to become either a Certified Accounting Technician® of the Institute of Accounting Technicians in Canada or a Certified Accounting Technician® of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants in Australia.

Module 1: Payroll Accounting
  • Payroll computation whether on daily, weekly, semi monthly, and/or monthly basis
  • Computation of Withholding Taxes due, SSS Premium due, Phil Health, and other deductions
  • Recording of payroll and present them to the corresponding financial statements
  • Implementation of necessary internal control measure in payroll processing
Module 2: Business Income Taxation
  • General Principles of Taxation
  • Income Tax Rules for business and practice of profession
  • Sources of Income, allowable business expenses and personal exemptions
  • Minimum Corporate Income Tax, Improperly Accumulated Earnings and Gross Income Tax for Corporations
  • Preparation of Quarterly Income Tax return (BIR Form 1702Q) and Annual Income Tax Return (BIR Form 1702)
  • Compliance requirements such as keeping Books of Accounts and its preservation
  • BIR registration requirements and issuance and printing of receipts, sales or commercial invoice
CAT® Level 3 Program Schedule
Registration is processed on a first-come, first-serve basis. The minimum number of attendees for the program is 25 pax; thus NIAT Philippines reserves the right to reschedule the program if and when minimum number is satisfied.
  • Date: March 10 - 31,2012
  • Venue: Oakwood Premier Joy~Nostalg Center Manila, Ortigas, Pasig City
  • Time: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • Contact Number: (632) 386-0191
  • Email:

National Institute of Accounting Technicians
Tel: (+632) 386-0191
Module 3: Business Taxes: Value Added Taxes and Percentage Taxes
  • Concept and Scope of Value Added Taxes and Tax Exempt transactions
  • VAT on Sale of Goods or Properties, Services, Use of Lease of Property and Importation of Goods
  • Input and Output Taxes and Computation of VAT Payable
  • Compliance requirements, Withholding and Remittance of VAT
  • Rates and Bases of Percentage Tax
  • Withholding of Percentage Taxes and Expanded Withholding Percentage Taxes/li>
  • Monthly Remittance of VAT and Other Percentage Taxes


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